Misc. Information ****Use the "a" (animate), "f" (freeze) and "r" (reverse) controls while looking for images to save as PICT files. It helps to slow down the animation using the "-" key. ****The PICT files created by MandleAcid are indexed (8-bit). This means you should switch to a monitor depth of 16 or 24 bits to view it undithered using TeachText or an art program such as Photoshop. ****Here's a great tip: when hunting for textures you plan to import into another art program, use the greyscale color set when you save the image as a PICT file. Use your art program's filters (such as KPT's gradient designer in Photoshop) to convert MandleAcid's greyscale image into smooth gradients. Also, remember to convert MandleAcid 's indexed PICT file into an RGB file before mutating it with your favorite programs. **** PLEASE send some E-Mail to us with your reactions to MandleAcid 2.0. We're both on America OnLine. To reach me (the programmer) send a letter To: . To reach the artist and co-designer, write to Ali Ackbar at the same address. We will write back A.S.A.P. **** Use MandleAcid at your own risk.